My Story
From Hitul Thobhani
Stanmore, England
It was 14th May 2019.
I was getting nowhere that afternoon.
Not just with work. If I was honest with myself, it was everything.
I stopped typing and jumped up.
I strode to a meeting room and locked myself away.
I was frustrated. Not only that, I was wracked with fear, crippling limiting beliefs, insecurity, self-doubt, self-criticism, low expectations and constant inner turmoil.
On top of that, like a lot of guys, I was terrible with emotions.
I had always swept my fears and weaknesses under the rug. I was never strong enough to face them.
Oh and my stubborn ego loved that! Even though it was tearing me apart.
I was in a safe, private space.
I was alone.
Reality check #1:
I was a MILLION MILES OFF the guy I wanted to be and
Reality check #2:
The person I was on 14 May 2019 had got me into this position I hated.
So…I asked myself the hardest question a guy could ask himself:
“What do I need to change about myself?”
Slowly, I started to write…
I'd had my head in the sand for years
I was wracked with fear
I'd slipped into a loser mindset - and become apathetic to it
I was in inner turmoil, despite showing happiness and confidence
I over-worried
I felt I didn't deserve to be happy or fulfilled
I felt like life HAPPENED to me
I had fallen into disastrous financial thinking
I worried about pointless, small things
I kept doubting and second-guessing myself
I didn't value myself or my skills and abilities
I had confronted my worst demons
It was Me 1 vs. Inner Crap 0 – YESSSS!!
Looking back, that was the day I got stronger and stronger and my demons got weaker.
…and weaker
…and weaker.
I showed the courage and bravery to man up by opening up – to myself about my life.
Every fear, weakness and insecurity…each uncomfortable flaw, was like a punch in the face.
But I wrote them down and faced up to them anyway.

That made the score…
Me 2 – Insecurities & Pride 0…YES!!!
Reality check #3:
If my life was going to radically improve I would have to change
The answers were on the piece of paper right before me…
Now you know my story and journey.
It’s taken me 20 years to get my mojo, but you don’t need to struggle like I did.
I fumbled around, going from seminar to book, from book to podcast, trying the next thing I latched onto, making it up as I went along.”
“This is just TOO GOOD to keep to myself!!!
My mission is to serve 1 million guys.
Starting with you.
AND THAT IS WHY, today, I reveal to you Transformation Xray

~ Transformation Xray – your one page fill-in-the-blanks template. I will guide you through releasing the crap that’s stressing you out and has you chasing your tail from your weary head and heart and capturing it – on one page. Then you will paint your ideal self, your Me2.0. PLUS – I told you I am DETERMINED to be there for you as much as I can – I have added 2 activities I wish I had but did not, so that we can lock in your motivation
~ 90 Second Quick Start Guide – short, scan-and-start instructions so that you can start clearing your head and heart immediately
~ Hitul’s Original Transformation Xray – see exactly what I wrote on my very first xray so you can copy and paste anything that resonates with you straight into your Xray
~”Screw The Rut & Thrive” ebook – a detailed walk through to help you get the most out of your Transformation Xray, boost your passion and commitment to becoming your Me2.0 and give you practical tips to help you successfully make your transformation
~“Pick Me Up & Drive Me” Playlist – Music is magical. I want to be with you, picking you up on your worst days! But I can’t! This playlist personally and meticulously chosen by me to pick you up on your **** days, inspire you in the morning and keeping you going when you are ready to give up. The Transformation Xray Playlist is your on-demand, 24/7 positivity shot-in-the-arm
~My Personal Morning Power Routine – your morning shapes your day, so I will share with you exactly what I do from the moment I open my eyes to the moment I sit at my desk feeling centred, calm and ready to own my day (this is a one page list you want to stick on your mirror and on your fridge, so no
I am trying to give you everything I can today…without physically being with you
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